Mental states, conscious and unconscious
Department of Analytical Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science presents
Phenomenality and (Inner) Awareness
Presented by The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy
Conflict after Compromise: Regulating Tensions in Multi-confessional Societies in the Fifteenth Century
Presented by the Centre for Medieval Studies
Acting as If: Prefigurative Politics in Theory and Practice
Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic presents
Radical Religious Communities in Premodern Societies
A conference on the occasion of the (postponed) 600th anniversary of the foundation of Tábor
Hungry Emotional Beings I
For the Strategy AV21 Czech Academy of Sciences - Research ProgramFor the Strategy AV21 Czech Academy of Sciences - Research Program“Resilient Society for 21st Century” in collaboration with Culinary Mind
Funded and Unfunded Science: Academic Inequalities and Epistemic Gaps
Organized by the Centre for Science, Technology and Society Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences
Ceny, mzdy, peníze a ekonomické myšlení ve středověkých a raně novověkých městech II
Pořádá Centrum medievistických studií (UK a FLÚ AV ČR)
Vědecká gramotnost jako občanská kompetence
Kabinet pro studium vědy, techniky a společnosti při Filosofickém ústavu AV ČR zve