Christopher D. Schabel: Prozymites and Utraquists at the Council of Basel: Hermann Zoest and the Quarrel over Unleavened Bread
Organized by the Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought in cooperation with the Centre for Medieval Studies and the Centre for Classical Studies (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences).
Francisco Hernández-Quiroz: Epistemic Kolmogorov Complexity
Organized by the Centre for formal epistemology, Institute of Philosophy, CAS
Volodymyr Volkovskyj, Ph.D.: Idea „ruského světa“ od Puškina po Putina: filosofická a politická perspektiva
Pořádá Collegium Europaeum FF UK & FLÚ AV ČR a Oddělení pro studium antického a středověkého myšlení AV ČR.
Prof. Joff P. N. Bradley: What has happened to Desire? Deleuze and Reich on Social Reclusion
Organized by the Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences
Mark Windsor: Feeling through Things
Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science
lectures connected with the release of the book Hans-Herbert Kögler’s Critical Hermeneutics
Organized by the Department for the Study of Modern Czech Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, CAS
Lenka Karfíková: Kolokvia k antické filosofii
Pořádá Oddělení pro studium antického a středověkého myšlení FLÚ AV ČR.
Jakub Mihálik: Inner Awareness, Intimacy, and Acquaintance
Organized by the Department for the Study of Early Modern Rationality and by the Department of Analytic Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, CAS
Andrej Grubačić: Mutual Aid in World History | Undisciplining Social Science
The Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy (CAS) and The Faculty of Humanities of Charles University.