Workshop Systémy resilience s Borisem Cyrulnikem, Michaelem Ungarem a Alicí Koubovou
Pořádá Filosofický ústav AV ČR a Institut SYRI.
Philip Strammer: The Appearance of Goodness in the Public Realm
Organized by the Department of Modern Rationality.
Colin Zwanziger: Inquisitive logic from the perspective of category theory
Organized by the Department of Logic.
Vít Punčochář: Information-based semantics and related frameworks
Organized by the Department of Logic.
Evropský festival filozofie: Přirozené vs. umělé
Pořádá kulturní centrum Jupiter club Velké Meziříčí ve spolupráci s Filosofickým ústavem Akademie věd České republiky a Filozofickou fakulta Masarykovy univerzity.
U Akademie 4, Auditorium (Aula)
Art, Ethics & Contexts of Creation | Workshop with Ted Nannicelli
Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science and the Academy of Fine Arts, Prague