Konference a workshopy
Science Studies in the Classroom
Science Studies in the Classroom
Pořádá Filosofický ústav AV ČR ve spolupráci s Katedrou didaktiky fyziky MFF UK
Philosophy of Science and Science and Technology Studies through the Lens of Technology
Philosophy of Science and Science and Technology Studies through the Lens of Technology
Pořádá Filosofický ústav AV ČR ve spolupráci s École Normale Supérieure (Paříž) a CEFRES (Francouzský ústav pro výzkum ve společenských vědách).
Město a literatura
Město a literatura
Pořádá Centrum medievistických studií – Filosofický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Katedra bohemistiky Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Palackého a Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy
Ancient History and Ancient Historians: Dis Manibus Pavel Oliva
Ancient History and Ancient Historians: Dis Manibus Pavel Oliva
Organized by the Centre for Classical Studies.
Democracy and the Social Question
Democracy and the Social Question
Organized by the National Institute for Research on Socioeconomic Impacts of Diseases and Systemic Risks (SYRI) and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Northern Networks, Prague
Northern Networks, Prague
Organized by Anglia Ruskin University as a part of a grant project "Northern Networks: Astronomical and Medical Knowledge from the Baltic to East Central Europe" with the Institute of Philosophy, CAS as a project partner.
Fragments, Traces, Memories: International Conference
Fragments, Traces, Memories: International Conference
Organized by the Centre for Theoretical Study – The Jan Patočka Archive.
Faces of Nature in Contemporary Phenomenology. Challenges of Ecological Ethics and Philosophy of Nature
Faces of Nature in Contemporary Phenomenology. Challenges of Ecological Ethics and Philosophy of Nature
Organized by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Ondřej Lánský: Možnosti politické resilience (v Česku)
Ondřej Lánský: Možnosti politické resilience (v Česku)
Pořádá Národní institut pro výzkum socioekonomických dopadů nemocí a systémových rizik (vědecký hub).
Controversial Art and Freedom of Expression
Controversial Art and Freedom of Expression
Organized by Tomáš Koblížek (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) and Benjamin Matheson (University of Bern).