program pdf
Wednesday, October 3
10:00 11:00 Davide Grossi Mutual Persuasion
Coffee Break
11:15 12:00 Vít Punčochář Inquisitive propositional dynamic logic
14:00 15:00 Jon Michael Dunn The opinion tetrahedron as a tool for coalescing group beliefs
Coffee Break
15:30 16:15 Dominik Klein From oughts to goals. a logic for enkrasia
16:20 17:05 Tommaso Moraschini Relational semantics for propositional logics
Thursday, October 4
10:00 11:00 Arianna Novaro Relaxing exclusive control in boolean games
Coffee Break
11:15 12:00 Olivier Roy Priority merge and intersection modalities
14:00 15:00 Alessandra Palmigiano t.b.a.
Coffee Break
15:30 16:30 Marta Bílková Completeness of logic of information and common belief
16:20 17:05 Oguz Korkmaz Dynamics in relevant epistemic logics
Friday, October 5
10:00 11:00 Apostolos Tzimoulis Intuitionistic probabilities and epistemic updates
Coffee Break
11:15 12:00 Soroush Rafiee Rad t.b.a.
12:15 13:15 Discussion: Non-classical probabililties