

Historical development of meteorological theories and terminology in the Czech Lands

Řešitel:Investigator:Mgr. Barbora Kocánová, Ph.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard projects (1993-2030)

Soul and Death: the oldest Conceptions of Eschatology in Greek Antiquity

Řešitel:Investigator:doc. Mgr. Tomáš Vítek, Dr.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard projects (1993-2030)

The Transmission and Transformation if Ideas in Hellenism, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity

Řešitel:Investigator:doc. Mgr. Jiří Hoblík, Th.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard (1993-2030)

From Bolzano to Badiou: An Investigation of the Foundations of Historical Epistemology and Modern European Philosophy

Řešitel:Investigator:Nick Nesbitt, Ph.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard projects(1993-2030)

Towards a new Ontology of Social Cohesion

Řešitel:Investigator:Mgr. Petr Kouba, Ph.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard projects (1993-2030)

Philosofy at the University of Prague around 1409: Matej Knin´s Quodlibet as a Crossroads of European Medieval Knowledge

Řešitel:Investigator:Mgr. Ota Pavlíček, Ph.D., Th.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard projects (1993-2030)

Maintaining Experimental Time: How Scientists Obtain, Secure nad Use Time for Experimental Research

Řešitel:Investigator:Filip Vostal, Ph.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard (1993-2030)

Europa humanistica II. Editing and translating ancient classics in the Czech lands at he turn of the 16th century

Řešitel:Investigator:Mgr. Marta Vaculínová, Ph.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard projects (1993-2030)

Image and Music in 20th Century Thought

Řešitel:Investigator:doc. Mgr. Josef Fulka, Ph.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:Standard projects (1993-2030)

From Performativity to Institutionalization. Handling Conflict in the Late Middle Ages (Strategies, Agents, Communication)

Řešitel:Investigator:PhDr. Pavel Soukup, Ph.D.
Poskytovatel:Provider:Czech Science Foundation
Program:Programme:EXPRO grants


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