


From 1 January to 31 March 2023, feedback was collected from all employees as part of the self-assessment phase of the HR Award project.

4 areas have been assessed using the following methodologies:

- Professional and ethical aspects of research work - questionnaire survey

- Working conditions - focus groups / individual interviews

- Training - focus groups / individual interviews

- Recruitment process - individual interviews

The summary results of the feedback.

A revised Action Plan is being developed based on feedback from staff. This Action Plan has been commented on by the Working Group, the Steering Committee, as well as the Institute Management and the Site Council.

The revised Action Plan.

In June, the revised Action Plan was sent to the European Commission and following their comments, any comments will be incorporated and subsequently updated in the link above.


On 21 April 2022, due to the favourable epidemiological situation, the so-called Information Day could take place. The aim of this meeting was to promote awareness and to raise the awareness of the FLU staff about the scope of activities of the service centres. Individual speakers and presenters covered important information and operational agendas of their departments and teams.

The agenda for the Information Day can be found HERE.

The information day intended for foreign colleagues was postponed to autumn 2022 due to low interest in personal participation. As part of the necessary dissemination of information, English versions of the presentations of individual speakers were sent to foreign colleagues in electronic form. 

Project Schedule

2nd implementation phase (24 months from the award) 2021-2023
Implementation of the Action Plan (AP)  07/2021 - 06/2023
Internal evaluation 09/2022 - 11/2022
Revision of the Action Plan (RAP) 12/2022 - 02/2023
Comment procedure and approval of the revised AP  03/2023 - 04/2023
Translation into English 05/2023
Sending the RAP to the European Commission 06/2023 (Deadline 16 July 2023)
Implementation of the RAP for the next 3 years 2023-2026
External evaluation by the European Commission in 2026
1st initial phase (12 months):  2020-2021
Questionnaire survey  06/2020
Focus groups 07/2020 - 08/2020
Creation of the GAP  09/2020 - 10/2020
Establishment of the Action plan 11/2020 - 12/2020
Sending GAP + AP to the European Commission  03/2021
Obtaining the HR Award Certificate 07/20


The Institute of Philosophy became a holder of the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award on 17 July 2021 and concurrently obtained the right to use the HR Award logo. This represents a recognition that our working environment meets European standards for work in scientific environment.

This certificate will support our efforts to further expand research activities. It provides a guarantee of creating a working environment that supports excellent science and transparency, it increases the attractiveness of our institute when addressing international scholars, helps raise the profile of the institute both within the domestic and international scene, and it is taken into account during grant application procedures. The HR Award will also aid further strategic development of the institute in areas such as human resource management, international collaboration, open access to scientific information, popularisation, and gender equality.

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The Institute of Philosophy submitted the application for the HR Excellence in Research Award to the European Commission on 31 March 2021. We have thus completed the initial phase of the HR Award process and entered the implementation phase. The GAP analysis and the Action Plan in Czech and English language version can be found in the relevant sections of the HR Excellence website.


During the self-assessment phase, questionnaire surveys, individual interviews and several employee discussions (in the form of focus groups) were carried out to collect input, opinions and suggestions for improvements to be later summarised in gap analysis. The aim of the institution's self-assessment was to gather a comprehensive opinion of employees on the workplace functioning and development opportunities. Conclusions were incorporated not only to the gap analysis, but subsequently also to general concept of the action plan. Detailed information on the progress achieved in the course of the self-assessment process is available in sections: Survey, Focus Groups, Boards, GAP analysis.
