
Employee Benefits

The Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic offers all its employees the following benefits:

An Aditional Week of Vacation
The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences offers its employees an additional week of vacation above the legal requirement (naturally in proportion to employment FTE and in view of the date of joining the Institute). The right to this additional vacation is created by entering into employment at the Institute.

Sick Days
Employees of the Institute of Philosophy have a right to 8 sick days over the course of a calendar year (in proportion to FTE, scheduling of working hours, and date of entering into employment at the Institute). Employees are entitled to sick days after the trial period.   

Contributions from the Social Fund:

  • Lunch Vouchers
    Employees of the Institute have the right to receive lunch vouchers in value of 100 CZK per working day after working at least 3 hours. Employees contribute to a lunch voucher 20 CZK (deducted automatically by employer each month), the remaining 80 CZK are paid for by the employer. Lunch vouchers are used via a so-called lunch voucher card. Right to this benefit arises with the start of employment at the Institute.
  • Contributions to Suplemental Pension Insurance or Life Insurance
    Further details are spelled out in the Collective Agreement and Rules for the Management of Funds at the Institute of Philosophy. Right to this benefit arises after the end of the trial period.
  • Presents for Work Anniversaries, Birthdays, Birth of a Child
    Further details are spelled out in the Collective Agreement and Rules for the Management of Funds at the Institute of Philosophy. Right to this benefit arises after the end of the trial period.
  • Contributions Sport Activities, Recreation, Child´s Camps, Culture, Education and Books
    Further details are spelled out in the Collective Agreement and Rules for the Management of Funds at the Institute of Philosophy. Right to this benefit arises after the end of the trial period.
  • Multisport Card 
    In case of interest, employees can receive this card after the end of the trial period. 

Flexible Work Schedule
If needed and based on personal arrangement with one’s superior, employees can use remote access to work from home (home office). Based on an arrangement with one’s superior, employees can have working hours adjusted so as to suit their individual needs and requirements.  

Language Courses and Other Education Paid for by Employer
Employees of the Institute can attend (based on an arrangement with their superior) language courses organised by the Department of Language Studies of the Czech Language Institute of CAS.
As part of support of personal and professional development of employees, the Institute offers – within the framework of operational programme ‘Development of environment for professional growth of employees of the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS’ – various training and education workshops and courses for which employees can register based on own preference and interest.  
Right to this benefit arises with the start of employment at the Institute.    

Child Groups
Within the framework of project in collaboration with the Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS, all employees may place in the child groups their children aged from 12 months until the age of mandatory attendance of preschool or elementary school education. Right to this benefit arises with the start of employment at the Institute.   

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has at its disposal apartments for short-term and long-term lease (starter and standard). Their lists are sent to Institute employees regularly via email. Application for such rental apartment has a standard form and is evaluated by the Accommodation Committee of the CAS. Applications should be consulted in advance with one’s superior. Further details are spelled out in the Collective Agreement and Rules for the Management of Funds at the Institute of Philosophy.

Interest-free Loans for Accomodation Purposes
Further details are spelled out in the Collective Agreement and Rules for the Management of Funds at the Institute of Philosophy. 

Social Aid and Loans to Employees 
Further details are spelled out in the Collective Agreement and Rules for the Management of Funds at the Institute of Philosophy.

Yoga at Workplace
Right to this benefit arises with the start of employment at the Institute. 

Client Card of the Czech Academy of Sciences
In case of interest, employees are entitled to this benefit upon the start of employment at the Institute.

20% Discount for Tickets to the YpsiIon Theatre
Right to this benefit arises with the start of employment at the Institute. 

Advantageous Mobile Phone Rates
The Institute of Philosophy offers all its employees the opportunity to join a T-Mobile Program and use advantageous mobile tariffs within the Participants’ agreement with T-Mobile concluded under their own birth number. They can add family members to that contract. Right to this benefit arises with the start of employment at the Institute.  
