upcoming events


  • Vacancy: Communications & PR Specialist (Part Time)

    16. 7. 2024

    Are you interested in working for a new international research centre in humanities? Do you have good communication, editorial and media skills? The Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P), funded by the Horizon Europe programme ERA Chairs and based at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, is looking for a colleague to implement and develop communication and public relations activities. If you are interested, please send your CV and cover letter to Petra Zakostelecka at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Start in September 2024 (negotiable). Detailed information | Download version

  • Mark Coeckelbergh on the AI Act: It's a good start, but it has its drawbacks

    27. 6. 2024

    Mark Coeckelbergh from the Centre for Environmental and Technological Ethics - Prague (CETE-P) at our Institute of Philosophy is one of the members of the expert group that participated in the preparation of the so-called AI Act. It is the first ever comprehensive set of laws in the world from the European Union regulating the use of artificial intelligence. He described how the regulation came about in an interview with Forbes magazine. Mark Coeckelbergh also spoke about the ethical, political and legislative aspects of the AI Act at a recent workshop organized by the Centre for Environmental and Technological Ethics - Prague (CETE-P) in cooperation with the consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. You can read about the workshop HERE.

  • CETE-P Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Ethics

    25. 6. 2024

    The Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P) – funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme ERA Chairs and based at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences – is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher to a research-only position in environmental ethics (broadly considered), with a preference for a person who can combine environmental philosophy with philosophy of technology. Please deliver the application with attachments via email by 26 August 2024, 23:59 CEST to Petra Zakostelecka at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Detailed informationDownload version

  • The discoverer of key cells for immunity is heading to Prague. He will support the discussion between immunologists and philosophers

    18. 6. 2024

    Professor Shimon Sakaguchi, a legend in contemporary immunology and the discoverer of a special type of white blood cells, will be a guest at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. He will contribute to the ongoing international discussion that places immunology in a new light and highlights philosophical approaches to science. During his visit, he will give a public lecture, participate in a workshop with Czech scientists, and meet with students. In Prague, he will also receive the Garnet Immunoglobulin: the highest award given by the Czech Immunological Society. More

  • Asixoxe – Let’s Talk! Conference on African Philosophy

    10. 6. 2024

    Asixoxe – Let’s Talk! Conference on African Philosophy is jointly organized by the Professorship of African and Afrophone Philosophies of the University of Bayreuth and the Department of Political Philosophy and Globalization Research of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Programme

International Research Center Focused on Environmental and Technology Ethics will be Established in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, there is lack of systematic research on ethical problems related to climate change and the so-called emerging technologies. The situation is about to change thanks to the newly forming international research Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics – Prague (CETE-P) at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Thanks to a prestigious European grant awarded to the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Mark Coeckelbergh from the University of Vienna will participate in its establishment and development.

In the Czech Republic, there is lack of systematic research on ethical problems related to climate change and the so-called emerging technologies. The situation is about to change thanks to the newly forming international research Center of Environmental and Technology Ethics – Prague (CETE-P) at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Thanks to a prestigious European grant awarded to the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Mark Coeckelbergh from the University of Vienna will participate in its establishment and development.

The new research institute will offer, for example, expert advice to the Czech state administration and help with the development of the necessary public policies in the abovementioned areas. Its aim will also be to contribute to an informed public debate and draw citizens more into it.

“A special Department of Applied Philosophy and Ethics started working at the Institute of Philosophy this year. We responded to the need to tackle the ethical problems of current public interest,” says Ondřej Ševeček, director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The establishment of a Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics – Prague brings these efforts to an international standard. It offers a unique opportunity, especially for the region of Central and Eastern Europe, where institutions of a similar nature are still only about to be formed. “For us, this means strengthening the position of our Institute as a national leader and respected international partner. At the same time, we promise to attract top foreign researchers,” adds Ševeček.

Establishment of the centre will help develop long-term cooperation with other, similarly oriented institutions abroad as well as between the universities and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Artificial intelligence versus personal data

“The new research centre will be launched in January 2023 and its team will be assembled under the leadership of one of the most respected experts in the field of philosophy of technology, Mark Coeckelbergh,” explains the project coordinator, philosopher Petr Urban. “Communication technologies, biotechnology, or artificial intelligence have fundamentally transformed our world and the consequences of this development are irreversible. We see, for example, how artificial intelligence enables the collection of vast amounts of data about each of us, which can be used to promote various economic and political interests at the expense of our rights and freedoms. How should we distinguish between ethically acceptable and unacceptable ways of using new technologies? And how should we correctly set the rules that are supposed to regulate the development and use of artificial intelligence in our society? This is an example of topics which research by the newly emerging international team at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences will try to address,” adds Petr Urban.

The Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics – Prague (CETE-P) is being established thanks to the success of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the ERA Chairs grant call, which is part of the prestigious European Horizon Europe programme focused on funding research and innovation. In the European competition of 88 projects, the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences received support as one of four Czech institutions together with the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno, and Palacký University in Olomouc. The Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences contributed to preparation of the successful project.

Press release in pdf

Just out

    • the-philosophy-of-imagination-technology-art-and-ethics

      The Philosophy of Imagination. Technology, Art and Ethics

      Galit Wellner, Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Marco Arienti (eds.)

      Combining perspectives from both continental and analytic philosophy, this timely volume explores how imagination today both shapes and is shaped by technology, art and ethics.

      Imagination is one of the most significant and broadly examined concepts in contemporary philosophy and is frequently understood as a basic human faculty that enables complex activities. This book shows, however, that imagination is more than a mere enabler. Whilst imagination shapes our experiences, it is at the same time shaped by our environments. Some of the most creative manifestations of imagination are the result of its two-way interaction with art or technology, or both. In short, imagination co-shapes us.

      Beyond the traditional perspectives of Kant and Heidegger, The Philosophy of Imagination: Technology, Art and Ethics examines our dynamic relationship with imagination, from contemporary technological advancements such as AI that transform the whole ecosystem to imagination in the context of videogames and literary fiction. Analysing societal imagination, it addresses the relationship between the racial imaginary and white ignorance, as well as the effects that societal mechanisms such as lockdowns can have on our imagination.

      Taking its cue from the here and now, this volume brings together leading international scholars to investigate how the concept of co-shaping allows us to see imagination and its crucial role in society in new and productive ways.

    • korespondence-jana-marka-marciho-z-kronlandu

      Korespondence Jana Marka Marciho z Kronlandu

      Magda Králová, Kateřina Šolcová, Zdeněk Žalud (eds.)

      Svazek vůbec poprvé přináší kritickou edici a překlad dochované učenecké korespondence významného vědce, profesora medicíny a hodnostáře pražské univerzity Jana Marka Marciho z Kronlandu (1595–1667), mezi jejíž nejvýznamnější příjemce patřili jezuita Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680), člen cisterciáckého řádu Jan Caramuel (1606–1682) nebo proslulý astronom a fyzik Galileo Galilei (1564–1642). Marciho korespondence pozoruhodným způsobem ilustruje podoby fungování raně novověkých učeneckých sítí v neklidném období třicetileté války a v následujících dekádách 17. století. Jedná se o soubor 61 dopisů z let 1640–1666, které obsahují většinou debaty o dobových tématech z oblasti fyziky, jazykovědy, steganografie, alchymie a dalších disciplín. Vlastní korespondence je čtenářům předložena v zrcadlovém latinsko-českém vydání, je uvedena předmluvou a opatřena kritickým a výkladovým poznámkovým aparátem.

    • children-on-choes

      Children on Choes

      Jan Bažant

      In der Zeit zwischen der zweiten Hälfte des fünften Jahrhunderts v. Chr. und dem ersten Viertel des folgenden Jahrhunderts lässt sich eine Zunahme der Darstellung von Kindern auf attischen Vasen beobachten. Eine systematische Analyse dieser Darstellungen hat ergeben, dass die Künstler nicht das Leben der athenischen Kinder, ihre Aktivitäten und die Wahrnehmung ihrer Eltern durch diese dokumentierten. Die Untersuchung hat ergeben, dass die Darstellungen von Kindern auf den Choen wertvolle Hinweise und historische Informationen über das Selbstbild der athenischen Männer sind.

    • opera-omnia-26-ii

      Opera omnia 26/II

      Jan Amos Komenský

      Druhý svazek kritické edice Komenského korespondence zahrnuje relativně krátké období od začátku roku 1639 do poloviny roku 1641, tedy do jeho odjezdu do Londýna (září 1641). Komenský v této době korespondenčně komunikoval mj. se svými přáteli S. Hartlibem a J. Hübnerem (Londýn), s významným slezským básníkem M. Opitzem (Gdańsk), s francouzským filozofem a matematikem M. Mersennem (Paříž), důležitá je i korespondence s bratrským patronem B. Leszczyńským nebo teologicky zajímavá výměna listů s D. Stolciem (Štolcem). Svazek obsahuje celkem 35 listů, kromě vlastní edice dopisů také textově kritický aparát a věcné komentáře, regesty jednotlivých dopisů, bibliografický soupis, obrazové přílohy a rejstříky osob, prací a geografických názvů. Svazek připravili pracovníci Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku Filosofického ústavu AV ČR Vojtěch Balík, Markéta Klosová, Lenka Řezníková, Marcela Slavíková, Martin Steiner, Lucie Storchová, Kateřina Šolcová, Vladimír Urbánek a externí spolupracovník Václav Bok.

    • pojednani-o-toleranci

      Pojednání o toleranci

      Voltaire (přel. Petr Horák, úprava Hana Fořtová)

      Vznik Pojednání o toleranci byl podnícen procesem s Jeanem Calasem, francouzským protestantským obchodníkem, který byl obviněn z vraždy svého syna, aby zabránil jeho údajnému přestupu ke katolictví. Soudní spor a následná Calasova poprava vyvolávaly ve společnosti značné emoce. Voltaire ve svém textu, který vyšel o rok později, v roce 1763, vybízí k náboženské toleranci a obrací se proti fanatismu a pověrám. Podporuje odluku církve od  státu a volá po zachování neutrality státu ve věcech víry. Jeho pojednání klade důraz na význam rozumu a svobody mysli při řešení sporných otázek.

      Oikoymenh/FLÚ AV ČR
    • o-pomeru-vytvarnych-umeni-k-prirode

      O poměru výtvarných umění k přírodě

      Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (přel. Martin Z. Pokorný)

      Schelling se filosofií umění zabýval systematicky od roku 1800. Přednáška Vztah výtvarných umění k přírodě (1807) představuje jeho poslední dílo věnované výslovně tomuto tématu. Jedná se o veřejnou přednášku pro širší vzdělané publikum, v níž neformuluje čistě filosofické argumenty, ale odvolává se na soudobou diskusi o podstatě krásy (Winckelmann, Hamann, Goethe, Mengs apod.). Zůstává zde však snaha ukázat, v jakém smyslu je příroda živá a produktivní, v jakém smyslu je zobrazením světa idejí a jak chápat úkol umění napodobovat přírodu, resp. v čem spočívají specifika zobrazování idejí v umění.

      Oikoymenh/FLÚ AV ČR