
Recruitment Policy (OTM-R)

The basic principles of employee recruitment

On 17 July 2021, the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, P.R.I. (henceforth ‘Institute of Philosophy’ or ‘the Institute’) became the holder of HR Excellence in Research Award, an award granted by the European Commission. With it, it received among other things the right to use the logo of HR Award. This award expresses recognition that the institution in question has adopted and now acts in accordance with the principles set forth in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

This prestigious award goes hand in hand with the adoption of an obligation to enact certain principles and rules pertaining to the recruitment of researchers. The selection process and recruitment of new employees at the Institute of Philosophy must conform to the principles of open, transparent, and merit-based recruitment policy (henceforth OTM-R policy).  

O – Open

All selection procedures are published on the website of the Institute of Philosophy, on the career pages of the Czech Academy of Sciences, on the Euraxess platform, and when relevant on dedicated paid websites to make sure that information about the open position finds its way to a maximally broad circle of potential candidates. The Institute of Philosophy supports the employment of external candidates, candidates from abroad, and the employment of persons belonging to underprivileged groups. In the evaluation of candidates, their sex, age, sexual orientation, health or family status, racial or ethnic origin, religion, or political convictions play no role.

T – Transparent

Selection criteria are always listed in the text of the advertisement and candidates receive information about both the progress of the selection procedure and its final result. The advertisement lists employee benefits. Included is also information on the specifics of submitting an application for the position that is being advertised.

M – Merit-based

Evaluation of applications takes into account candidates’ experience and demonstrable results. The Institute of Philosophy endorses the policy of equal opportunity, that is, what is assessed is not only professional qualification but also the potential of candidates. Experience with mobility (of various kinds) is generally welcome.

In practice, this amounts to application of certain defined principles whose brief overview is found below.  


  • In recruitment of new employees, the Institute of Philosophy proceeds in accordance with the principles of open, transparent, and merit-based recruitment of researchers. Candidates’ results in terms of publications but also in other professionally relevant areas are assessed not only quantitatively but also qualitatively, whereby the context of their achievement is also duly considered. One of the signs of endorsement of these principles is also a definition and publication of OTM-R policy on the website of the Institute.

  • The Institute of Philosophy follows internal regulations and documents which describe and standardise how the selection process and all its parts are conducted (starting with principles regulating the advertisement of open positions through organisation and conducting of selection interviews, evaluation of suitability of candidates, and rules of communication with applicants, all the way to the principles of addressing eventual complaints and objections).

  • Communication with applicants that is conducted in relation to and during the selection procedure is kept in both a written (paper) and electronic form.

  • The Institute of Philosophy supports the recruitment of external candidates, employment of members of disadvantaged groups, and recruitment of researchers from abroad (it has a dedicated position of a HR consultant for the employment of foreigners and arrangement of Institute’s current staff stays abroad). The Institute of Philosophy supports part-time employment, work from home, it dedicated financial resources to training and development of researchers, is flexible with respect to the scheduling of meeting of work obligations, and parents of small children returning from maternity/paternity leave receive support (e.g., by being able to place their children in children’s groups).


  • The Institute of Philosophy bases its advertisements on a unified model advertisement of open positions, which is subsequently amended so as to reflect the particular demands of the relevant department and position. The text of the advertisement contains a description of the position, requirements connected with it, and an overview of employee benefits. It also contains instructions regarding the submission of an application, including for instance the application deadline.

  • Advertisement is placed on the Institute’s official website, associated social networks, career pages of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the international web platform EURAXESS , and where relevant also on other web platforms, including paid ones.

  • Selection procedures are announced for at least three weeks, thus in accordance with the Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Article 51).

  • The Institute of Philosophy strives to create a minimum administrative burden on applicants, and it enables the submission of applications for open positions via electronic communication.



  • The Institute of Philosophy informs all applicants about the completion and results of the selection procedure and provides feedback to applicants who were interviewed.

  • The selected applicant receives an official offer of a position which includes information on the name of the position, starting date, salary, working conditions, etc. As soon as the applicant confirms that he/she accepts the offer, a HR generalist shares this information with a colleague from the HR department who takes over communication with the future employee regarding the signing of a work contract and other legislative formalities related to starting in a new position.

  • In case objections are raised against the outcome of the selection procedure, the Institute follows recommended procedure. Complaints and objections are dealt by the management of the Institute in collaboration with head of the selection committee within the legally set deadline of 30 days.


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