Events of Institute of Philosophy AS CR
End(s) of War
Organized by the Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Zuzanna Jusińska: Reclaiming Neuter Gender? Linguistic Practices of Non-Binary Speakers
Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy, CAS.
Marko Malink: The Origins of Propositional Logic: Theophrastus on Hypothetical Syllogisms
Organized by the Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought.
Pietro Sabelli: Towards the Categorical Semantics of the Minimalist Foundation
Organized by the Department of Logic.
Nikhil Mahant: AI generated outputs: beyond the binary
Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy
Posthuman Earth: Feminist & Critical Posthuman Approaches to Climate Change
Organized by the Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P), Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Monika Rogowska-Stangret: Exhaustion and Scale in the Anthropocene
Organized by the Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P), Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Book Launch: Gábor L. Ambrus: From the Golem to Freedom: A Study on Technology and Religion
Organized by the Theology & Contemporary Culture Research Group (Charles University) in collaboration with CETE-P při FLÚ AV ČR,, and Kampus Hybernská
POZOR! PŘENÁŠKA ZRUŠENA. Gerald Schwedler: Im Anfang war die BÜROKRATIE. Die spätmittelalterlichen Verwaltungen und der Beginn der Moderne
Veranstalten: Collegium Carolinum, das Deutsche Historische Institut Warschau und das Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur im östlichen Europa laden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Centrum medievistických studií.